Grand Outlets – Detroit

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Store address: 12070 Grand River Ave, Detroit, MI (313)949-3563   | The currently posted prices per days are $12 Fridays, $10 Saturdays, $8 Sundays, $7 Mondays, $5 Tuesdays, $3 Wednesdays, and $1 Thursdays. Updates are posted on their Facebook. | The store is open daily from 10 am – 5:30 pm.

This bin-style liquidation location invites customers to join the hunt for deals among a dazzling array of items!

One of many liquidation bin stores in Michigan, check out the map for more!

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  1. Good day!

    I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to let you know that we have some bins for sale, and they’re going for $30 each. The size is roughly 49″ by 46″. We’re located in Lansing, Michigan. You may contact me in this number: (517) 777-8171 or email me at:

    Feel free to reach out if you’re interested or have any questions!

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