Bin Stores in South Carolina

Binz To Go – Greenville

Store address: 110 S. Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville, SC (864)603-2323 | The currently posted prices per days were $6 Fridays through Sundays, $3 Mondays, and $2 Tuesdays, but the website is now under construction and they appear to be changing up the store and have more single priced non-bin items. The Facebook pages have updates posted. Read more…

Bin City Anderson

Store address: 208 Highway 28 Bypass, Anderson, SC (864)314-8312   | The currently posted prices per days are $7 Saturdays, $7 Sundays, $3 Mondays, and $1 Tuesdays. Updates are posted on their Facebook. | The posted store hours are Saturdays from 9 am – 4 pm, Sundays from 12 pm – 4 pm, Mondays from Read more…

Aynor Bins

Store address: 2604 Unit D Hwy 501, Aynor, SC (843)254-8534 | The currently posted prices per days are $8 Saturdays, $8 Sundays, $5 Mondays, $3 Tuesdays, and $1 Wednesdays. Updates are posted on their Facebook. | The store is open Saturdays through Wednesdays from 8 am – 6 pm. Economical shopping for discounted merchandise is Read more…