Store address: 10333 Northfield Rd, Northfield, OH (234)808-4011 | The currently posted prices per days are $10 Saturdays, $10 Sundays, $8 Mondays, $6 Tuesdays, $4 Wednesdays, $2 Thursdays, and $1 Fridays. Clothing prices are advertised as $5 Saturdays, $4 Sundays, $3 Mondays, $2 Tuesdays, $1.50 Wednesdays, $1 Thursdays, and $0.50 Fridays. The store also has more expensive non-bin items for sale. Updates and sales are posted on their Facebook page.
This location specializes in offering clearance, overstock, and returned items at discounted rates.
One of many liquidation bin stores in Ohio, check out the map for more!